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Dudley Very Light Rail Innovation Centre
Points Heating
GrayBar were commissioned to be involved in a pivotal and exciting project, helping to shape Dudley's economic future, supplying their Self-Regulating Points Heating System to assist in the development of the Very Light Rail National Innovation Centre.

The £24m centre is located next to the test track facility, which is at the old Dudley Train Station in Castle Hill. The new track will stretch from the Innovation Centre to the Dudley Port Station, providing connections to major public areas, including Birmingham City Centre, Dudley Town Centre, Dudley Zoo and Black Country museums.
GrayBar were selected as their Self-Regulating Points Heating is the preferred system due to its wide use on many tram and metro stations, including;
- Manchester
- Nottingham
- Croydon TFL
- Glasgow
Our Cubicle has now been built and successfully installed.
GrayBar offer a comprehensive range of Tram Point Heating solutions, in: stainless steel, mid steel, and GRP.
Contact us for more details.