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10 reasons to choose GrayBar no8
Points Heating, Signalling Distribution and Accessories
8. GrayBar have successfully designed and manufactured many innovative products to supply projects to Network Rail and TFL, including:
GrayBar were selected to design and build the Points Heating System for HS1 High Speed Rail Link. The GrayBar system had two variants, the first one with both the control and six 6.5KVA integral transformers, and the second version having a separate transformer cubicle, housing 12 integral 6.5 KVA transformers.
Crossrail engaged with GrayBar at a very early stage to look at using the GrayBar Self-Regulating Points Heating System on this prestigious project. On many of the sites selected, space was at a premium, and having all of the control gear and transformers in one cubicle was the ideal solution. Collaborating closely with Crossrail’s Design Team, GrayBar fine-tuned their system to meet the specification required.
Graybar have successfully built and delivered GRP Super Dis Boxes for areas of restricted clearance, with drop down doors, in tunnel and areas close to the track. Applications included Signals, Points and Axle Counters. Also suppling signalling Dis Boxes and TRTS Boxes for use in the Platform Areas.
Transpennine Route Upgrade
GrayBar are a major supplier on the Transpenine Route Upgrade. GrayBar also at present have and are supplying large quantitties of GRP Disconnection Boxes (Signals, Points, AWS, TPWS, Track Circuit, Axle Counters) for the varying stages of this massive project, with more stages to come. Contractors we are working with on this project include: Siemens, Amey, Volker Rail and NWR.
GrayBar are the preferred supplier of Points Heating on The Docklands Light Railway Network, and were commissioned with the task of delivering a solution to prevent the trains slipping on the rail due to moisture on the rails.
Visit our Projects page to learn more.