Published date:

Leeds Station

Signal Disconnection Box

GrayBar were asked to design and build three suitable Signal Disconnection Boxes to control Signals on Leeds Station, complete with a GRP Mounting Assembly.

L3662 G Dis Box


The enclosures required 31 Wago Terminals and Glands to suit and were to have the following cables terminated within the enclosure which was 500x400x200mm in size (PADS No 086/000137)

L3662 G Dis Box

The Disconnection Boxes were mounted on GRP Mounting Assemblies GBK4139 (PADS No 086/001504), these are fitted with a Cable Bar to manage the cables.

This product is lightweight, non-conductive, and is designed for quick installation, as no earthing is required.

GrayBar offer an extensive range of GRP Enclosure solutions, including:

  • Signals
  • Points
  • Axle Counters
  • AWS
  • TPWS
  • Track Circuits
  • Restricted Clearance
  • Semi-Automatic Warning Systems (SATWS)
  • Points Heating

For further information, please contact Mark Challinor on [email protected]